Community and events
We are committed to supporting the NBBC Allotment Strategy, it is in our lease.
This means we must promote the benefits of allotment gardening to all, particularly under the headings of:
health, both physical and mental
money saving
social inclusion
celebrating excellence
What we can do is limited by the amount of time that volunteers can give. However, if every one of our 140+ members contributed in some way, be it time, money, or produce, then we should be able to show that the association is giving something to the local community in return for the land for which we pay no rent.
We want to encourage involvement from community groups and we welcome opportunities to work together in related areas for our mutual benefit.
If you represent a community group and would like to find out how we can help, please contact us via the contacts page.
We made a great start in 2015, which included having our very first open day where we raised money for charity as well as having a good time, we supported the Healthy Living Network by donating produce and we have been talking to other organisations about how we can help each other.
We are committed to building on what we achieved last year.
So far this year (August 2016) we have:
hosted a visit by Chilvers Coton school
hosted a nursery visit
had 2 open days with about 100 visitors at the last one
hosted a visit by the Challenge
Before the end of the year we will:
have another visit from another Challenge group
be providing exhibition space for a group of artists. GCAA is one of the locations for the public to visit on the Open Studios trail in September (24th-25th).
be contributing a hamper of allotment produce and 'staff' for the market stall as part of the Nuneaton Federation of Allotment Associations' promotion (and hamper competition!) on 3rd September
annual social for Bonfire night
continue to support charities with produce or fundraising where we can.
For more, see the pages under this heading above.